Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best Prostate Health Supplement with Saw Palmetto Berry

health health health health health
Best Prostate Health Supplement with Saw Palmetto Berry

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) is a berry that grows naturally within the southeast United States. While saw palmetto has an established reputation amongst herbalists as a male sexual health herb, it also helps men with enlarged prostate gland by decreasing the size of the prostate (by over 60% for some patients) and helping the prostate function more effectively. When men begin to experience difficulty in urination or more frequent urge to urinate, this medical condition is termed benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). After reviewing 21 studies involving more than 3,000 men averaging 65 years of age, doctors reporting in the journal American Family Physician concluded that saw palmetto plant extract is a beneficial and one of the affordable supplements for prostate health (Gordon 2003)
Saw Palmetto berries block the enzyme responsible for converting free testosterone to the toxic dihydrotestosterone (DHT) molecule & it acts as an alpha-adrenergic receptor inhibitor, reducing freqent urination at night and inflammatory actions in the prostate gland.
The use of saw palmetto DHT blocker and other prostate herbs have been found effective in treating prostate problems. Research now shows that a simple preparation of saw palmetto prostate products is safe and effective alternative to standard drug therapy, and produces no side effects in naturally treating benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH).
Effects & Benefits of saw palmetto products:
a) Relieve many symptoms of BPH including difficult urination, excessive urination (frequent urge to urinate), nocturia (frequent urination at night), residual urine (incomplete emptying of the bladder)
b) Improve BPH by counteracting inflammation, muscle spasms, and edema (swelling) of the prostate
A three-month, double-blind clinical trial indicated that when combined with pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo), the positive influence of saw palmetto
is significantly augmented. The impact of pumpkin seed and saw palmetto was compared with that of a placebo in 53 northern European men between the ages of 50 and 80. Using ultrasound technology as well as subjective reporting, the researchers noted a significantly positive difference in seven measures of urinary health among the men receiving the herbal combination (Carbin 1990).

Dealing With Prostate Cancer

Dealing With Prostate Cancer by Gary Sorbie

Just as women are susceptible to breast cancer, men are at a high possibility in favor of developing prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is for the most part common in men more the age of 50, however it is important to note that any man, no matter the age can suffer from prostate cancer. This is the reason why it is extremely important for all men to have the proper screening when it comes to prostate cancer. If you or a group associate has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you could wonder whether or not there is a real prostate cancer cure. There is no real answer to that question. A prostate cancer cure depends on the severity of the cancer and how quickly it is revealed. Many men get real success with a prostate cancer cure once they are young, relatively healthy and commence their treatment as soon as the cancer begins. It is much tougher to find an sufficient prostate cancer treatment when it is caught at a very later than usual stage. Treatment and cures are two very separate things. Here are a quantity of things you should know when you think about prostate cancer cure.
* care: There are many care options existing for prostate cancer. No two men are alike and no two men respond the same way when it comes to a prostate cancer cure. For example, if you find a tumor and your doctor feels that it might be prostate cancer, he or she might take a "watching waiting" tactic, meaning that the tumor will be monitored for a point prior to a course of action of action is taken. A number of men may possibly respond well to chemotherapy and others do well with hormone therapy.
* Early detection: The best way to find the proper prostate cancer cure for you is to make sure that the cancer is detected in its initial stages. Nearly all doctors vouch for regular screening if you are at high risk for developing prostate cancer. Men more than 50 and African American men are at the highest possibility for developing prostate cancer. Furthermore, if you possess a family history of prostate cancer, therefore you ought to also get regular screening. Screening for prostate cancer involves your doctor examining your prostate gland. He or she is looking for abnormal cell growths and tumors. If something abnormal is found, your doctor will suggest a prostate cancer treatment that is right for you.
It is vital to remember that any prostate cancer medication will depend on your personal case. Your doctor will help you learn a treatment that is right for you.

Is Beer Healthy?

Is Beer Healthy? by Dr. Beer
Many of us love to relax with a tall beer glass after a long hard day, but there are constant warnings in the media about poor health effects. Recently though, studies have shown that beer can produce nearly all the same benefits as drinking wine. Whether you prefer ales, lagers, stout, bitter or wheat beers, studies show that one drink a day for women or up to two drinks a day for men will reduce your chances of strokes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer; three of the most pervasive and deadly conditions in the United States.
The study revealed that those who had one beer per week compared with those who drank one beer per day experienced no variance in reducing stroke risks. However, those who were, in general, light to moderate drinkers decreased their chances of suffering a stroke by 20%. Even further, research at Southwestern Medical Center demonstrated that those who drink one to two beers a day (at the most) have a 30-40% lower rate of coronary heart disease compared to those who don't drink at all.
The reasons: Beer contains a similar amount of 'polyphenols' (antioxidants) as red wine and 4-5 times as many polyphenols as white wine. Furthermore, it does not contain cholesterol. In fact, some say it helps in reducing the LDL or "bad cholesterol" level thereby reducing the chances of heart attack and stroke. It can also acts as a stress buster if consumed in proper dosages.
Beer also has some ingredients that assist in prevention of certain forms of Cancer. For example, Xanthohumol, a prenylflavonoid derived from hops, is known to prevent cancer. Its use is considered to be a preventative treatment against prostate and colon cancer and even may be a form of hormone therapy for women. In a recent study conducted by researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University in Corvallis, drinking beer was shown to have potential promise in preventing prostate cancer and prostate enlargement.
Beer is also said to have vitamin content. Though this may come as a surprise, there is indeed merit to it. Beer is rich in fiber. It contains substantial amounts of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, B12 inotisol, B9 (folate), B6 (pyridoxin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin), B1 (thiamine). Unfortunately though, it can damage Vitamin C.
Ultimately, beer is not harmful if consumed in moderation. And we mean real moderation like 1-2 beer glasses a day, not rationalized, "excuse moderation". It can have a relaxing effect on the body thereby reducing stress and helping you sleep better. It can help to prevent heart disease, improve blood circulation, promote blood vessel dilation, yep, you guessed it, assist in urination.
Let's get real though. The term moderation is the centerpiece of all of the above research, and not meant to be tossed aside under the pretense of "Beer is Healthy!...Let's Go Drinking!". Beer consumption has very real and dire health consequences for those who abuse it. Frequent overconsumption of any alcohol, including beer, is horrible for your body. This, combined with the unfortunate number of alcohol related accidents, shows that beer is not something to abuse!
But on a lighter note...we have learned that beer does have some interesting qualities that can actually provide measurable health benefits when consumed in moderation. As such...we should feel proud in celebrating beer for all that it is. To do this, we go to They have all the beer glasses, bar furniture, and bar games you need to celebrate beer in your own personal way. I built my entire home bar at, equipped with my Dallas Cowboys beer glasses, Led Zeppelin bar stools, my Blue Moon pub table, my dearest Keg-O-Rator, and of course the Redwing bar mirrors. What better place to perform my own beer health research. Cheers!